How to care for the thyroid gland

Thyroid problems

The role and functions of the thyroid gland

The thyroid gland is an inconspicuous and invisible to the naked eye gland located in the anteroposterior part of the neck and is one of the few odd endocrine glands. Only when it starts to fail do we notice how much depends on it.

The thyroid gland produces three hormones: triiodothyronine (T3), thyroxine (T4), and calcitonin. Although it is a very small gland, it plays a very important role in the functioning of the nervous system, circulation and movement.

These hormones also determine the level of protein synthesis and the degree of oxygen consumption in cells and the body’s calcium-phosphate balance.

Thyroid – anatomy model
Photo by Nhia Moua on Unsplash

An unbalanced thyroid can cause many symptoms and effect the health in multiple ways. While there are medications that can correct the balance, it can be difficult to have diagnosed and medicated properly within a short period of time.

To avoid prescription medication as well as to begin treatments quickly, many choose natural solutions and supplements, change of diet, and exercise.

Symptoms of thyroid imbalance

When the thyroid functioning is not at its peak, there is a range of symptoms that occur. The most common symptoms are weight gain or loss, loss of hair, fatigue and exhaustion, mood swings and changes.

Above that a felling of slower thoughts or short-term memory loss and confusion, as swell as losing balance easier and even weakening joints.

Blood work is needed to find an imbalance that requires medication. However, there are some levels that are within the healthy range and go untreated by prescription.

Symptoms may still be felt during this time, and other solutions can be used to correct the balance and return the body to health.

How to improve the work of the thyroid gland

For those that are the most out of balance or who’s thyroid is working too hard or not at all, prescription medication may be needed to balance the thyroid hormone. This is taken every day at the same time and can be a lifelong medication.

Some cases may require surgery to remove the thyroid, and this results in the need for ongoing hormone replacement to adapt to the lack of a thyroid gland.

Healthy diet for thyroid health
Photo by Dan Gold on Unsplash

Changes to diet and exercise can help to bring the body back into balance and support the healthy functioning of the thyroid.

By avoiding processed foods and eating healthy food choices, the body can have the nutrients that are required for hormonal balance. As weight changes and the metabolism adapts, the symptoms will decrease.

Helpful supplements

Supplements such as Thyrolin are available over the counter without need of a prescription and can support thyroid health. Thyrolin encourages weight loss, increases energy, and provides a support for the healthy functioning of the thyroid.

It works to regulate the thyroid hormones and ensure balance is maintained within the body. As the energy and ability to focus returns, exercise becomes easier, and the weight will continue to change, all of which brings balance to the thyroid and the body in general.

Thyrolin advanced thyroid support formula

Caring for the thyroid gland

Thyroid concerns can be a lifelong struggle that requires ongoing maintenance and monitoring. As it affects the entire body, it is necessary to care for the thyroid and balance the hormones, which can be done through medication, exercise, diet, and supplements including Thyrolin.

When symptoms such as hair loss, lack of focus, loss of energy, and weight changes are occurring, it is important to rule out other causes to determine the root cause and to begin appropriate treatments.

By consuming healthy foods, exercising, managing weight, and taking needed supplements or medication a healthy and happy life can be enjoyed, and the thyroid can be returned to natural balance.

Thanks for reading.
Best wishes,
Team Keep Natural Beauty

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